Each man will have to bear his own load - (Gal 6:5)
I remain true to God's expression in me
I remain true to God's expression in me
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In the world there appears to be a great many people, but each is the expression of the One; each is the one-and-only "Son" (or Daughter). This is why we must love each other and also why we cannot dissolve our own responsibilities in the activities of any group. The light that shines forth from some may encourage and guide us, but we each have to fulfil the unique expression that our heavenly Father seeks through us.
Within us each is the desire for worldly recognition and acclaim, and often we try to excel according to some worldly prototype. In so doing we inevitably stifle God's expression. It can become a very painful experience for some to come to terms with their own deep longings. Often they feel guilty, even ashamed. But this is their Divine starting point, that of which the Master says "It is (there) that the works of God may be made manifest."
So today accept and give thanks for what you are and resolve to turn it to good account, to glorify your Father in your own unique way, the way God established for you from the beginning.
The Path of Truth Vol. 55, No. 1 page 36.