Friday, 28 August 2009

Weekly Bible Quote 71 with commentary by the School of Truth

The peace of God, which passes all understanding, will keep your hearts and minds in Jesus-Christ - (Phil 4:7)

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I let Peace in, and free myself Experience Peace and you experience God, know God and you know Peace. It is not a state that comes upon you after you have wrestled and conquered your problems, it precedes problems, invades you and your circumstances and confirms God's presence, the Christ-presence, in you.

You do not "find" Peace. You surrender to It and It surrounds and inhabits you, freeing everything that you have held tense in self-defence - every sharpened thought, every rigid feeling, every stretched nerve and every taught muscle. Peace lets God's substance flow in you and through you, irrigating life's apparent wounds.

So don't sit in your battle bunker longing for Peace. Let It in and let yourself out. God's kingdom surrounds you. It is a place of wonder and abundance ready for you to fulfill It and It you.

The Path of Truth Vol. 53, No. 5 page 293.

Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Weekly Bible Quote 70 with commentary by the School of Truth

Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgement - (Jn 7:24)
In all my decisions I look to Divine integrity

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It is a very unusual person who declares "I am a liar." Much more unusual is to claim honesty. Can we ever be sure that what we hear or read is true? The answer in practice is that we judge by appearances, and it is a frail judgement. For example, advertising and packaging may claim all sorts of attributes but the product may disappoint. Even society's laws may be fallible, and the judgement of the magistrate who must use them may be flawed.

What then is the Master's "right judgement"? As children of our heavenly Father, there is within us Divine integrity, which cannot be compromised by corruption, coercion or expediency. It is the confirmation deep in our hearts and minds of our oneness with Him. It honours all His creation, regardless of appearances.

Divine integrity unfolds in us and our lives through practice, through shunning negative opinions, through listening to conscience, through sticking to Truth.

The Path of Truth Vol. 55, No. 5 page 285.

Saturday, 15 August 2009

Weekly Bible Quote 69, with School of Truth Comment

This is the victory that overcomes the world, our faith - (1 Jn 5:4)
I carry God's torch into my experience

Faith is a victory in itself, for it asserts itself over every aspect of our lives - our thinking, feeling, speaking and doing. And faith takes us into a new world in which new laws hold sway. In God's kingdom is adversity met with calmness and certainty, aggression with peacefulness and security, ignorance with tolerance and wisdom.

The world does not exist to frustrate and destroy us. Why would God, Who is Oneness, make it so? We are the form that He takes to express Love in the realm of matter and physical energy. We do His works and He gives us the means to do it - faith.

In absolute trust we carry the torch of Love into the nooks and crannies of our experience, dissipating the phantoms of fear. In doing it for myself I do it for Him, for I and the Father are one.

The Path of Truth Vol. 54, No. 5 page 293.

Saturday, 8 August 2009

Weekly Quote 68 - with commentary from the School of Truth

Let your light so shine before men, that they give glory to your Father - (Mt 5:16)
God fills me with what I give to others

It is true that what you do not have you cannot give. But fulfilment of self goes hand in hand with giving of self - as you give, so you have, of everything. You may experience deep rapture and bliss in your meditations, but until you impart it to others it is not established.

We are God's means of expression, and the expression itself. The taciturn, self-contained person is denied the area of influence that opens up through fluent communication. The person who gushes is denied the response of thoughtfulness. The listener invites wisdom and beauty. The doer attracts confidence and co-operation.

The Master puts it so simply - we convey God's light and it attracts others to its Source in us. We put aside self image and convey God's image: "Not my will but Thy will be done."

The Path of Truth Vol. 54, No. 2 page 110.

Weekly Quote 67 - with commentary from the School of Truth

Whatever is born of God overcomes the world - (1 Jn 5:3)
What I leave to God He overcomes

Seemingly from nowhere problems arrive at our doorstep, and our first impulse is to do everything humanly possible to resolve them. The fruit of this response, as it becomes a habit, is bitterness in us - the fearful bitterness of failure mixed with the cynical bitterness of success.

But there is another response - the one of Divine ignorance: "I don't know the answer. I leave it to the guidance and resolution of God within me. I know only that in Him is it overcome."

The greatest blessing of leaving it to God, apart from the demonstration of His good, is the understanding that grows in us. We come to see life not an end in itself but as the terrain in which we discover that we are truly His beloved children.

The Path of Truth Vol. 56, No. 1 page 29.