Friday, 25 July 2008

Weekly Quote 19

Clear Thou me from hidden errors - (Ps 19:12)

Sorrow and ugliness do not reside in things or situations external to us. They are qualities imposed by our own minds and hearts. How common is the call to "stamp out wrongdoing" as though, if we were to order our world to our own satisfaction, we would automatically become joyous and beautiful in ourselves.

Joy and Beauty well up within us all the time. That is their only true source. If we would experience God's world we must see through God's eyes. We must temper habitual reactions to conditions about us and say "In spite of what appears to me, God is there, and where God is there can be only good." God never leaves our world but we must learn to recognise Him by clearing our own flawed vision.

In spite of all conditions and circumstances, learn to affirm God's presence alone.
The Path of Truth Vol. 56, No. 4 page 232.

Saturday, 12 July 2008

Weekly Quote 18

As you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me - (Mt 25:40)

The path of Truth cannot be trodden in the mind and heart only. It is simultaneously a physical path. God is not divided into seen and unseen. Love is not just thoughts and feelings, it is also actions. In God we are all bound in Oneness wherein we cannot escape the consequences of our sentiments and behaviour. If I think badly of you, if I harm you or withhold my help from you, I malign, harm or deprive myself. This is basic to Truth, not mere etiquette.

This does not mean knee-jerk charity. Firstly it means sincere acknowledgement of the person or situation; it means directing our understanding towards them, deciding what would best help the other person to help themselves, what action we can sustain. How, like the Samaritan in the Master's story, we can help move them from a position of acute distress to a situation with better potential for recovery.

Truth students live firmly in this world. We are God's stewards, His hands here and now.
The Path of Truth Vol. 50, No. 4 page 230.

Sunday, 6 July 2008

Weekly Quote 17

Do not fear or be in dread; He will not fail you or forsake you - (Rom 13:10)

Frightening as it may seem, All-presence allows no halfway attitude in us.. We cannot take out an insurance policy against the possibility that He may fail us.

Trust is like being the first guest to enter a beautiful, carpeted banquet room. As the doors sweep closed silently behind us we find ourselves in a hushed environment of plenty. We are cut off from all worldly clamour, all want and distress. If we would enter trust we must imagine this environment, must desire with all our heart to be in it.

"It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God" says the Master. It is not a comment about material wealth but about materialism, the view that sees "things" as real in themselves rather than as the manifestation of ideas. So trust your heavenly Father, share His good ideas, and become heir to His kingdom of all-good.
The Path of Truth Vol. 53, No. 6 page 364.