Friday, 25 July 2008

Weekly Quote 19

Clear Thou me from hidden errors - (Ps 19:12)

Sorrow and ugliness do not reside in things or situations external to us. They are qualities imposed by our own minds and hearts. How common is the call to "stamp out wrongdoing" as though, if we were to order our world to our own satisfaction, we would automatically become joyous and beautiful in ourselves.

Joy and Beauty well up within us all the time. That is their only true source. If we would experience God's world we must see through God's eyes. We must temper habitual reactions to conditions about us and say "In spite of what appears to me, God is there, and where God is there can be only good." God never leaves our world but we must learn to recognise Him by clearing our own flawed vision.

In spite of all conditions and circumstances, learn to affirm God's presence alone.
The Path of Truth Vol. 56, No. 4 page 232.

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