Sunday, 31 August 2008

Weekly Quote 24

The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few - (Luke 10:2)

I serve in love for I am a labourer in God's service

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There is much work to do for God in this world. Are we doing our share, you and I? Or do we think it sufficient if we work for ourselves and our families? We should remember that we have a duty to the community in which we live, the State, or our neighbours, according to our capabilities. We should not be so wrapped up in our own affairs that we have no time to spare for the good of others.

What we shall do each must decide for himself, but it should be the thing that we do best. Only our best is good enough to give to God. And we serve Him through service to His children.
The farmer, if he works with love of the beasts of the field and the earth and the things that grow in it, is offering a gift to God. Anything done in love can be laid on His altar. We cannot all be preachers or Truth teachers for the world must be kept going, but we can all serve in some way. Let us see that we do it.

The Path of Truth Vol. 58, No. 1 page 31.

Friday, 22 August 2008

Weekly Quote 23

Blessed are the peacemakers - (Mt 5:9)
I will do unto others as I would have them do unto me

Somehow the individual is ever more ready to encourage and even to bring about dissension rather than unity among his fellows. Yet, if he stopped to think and realized the essential at-one-ment existing among all God's creation he would see that by so doing he was going contrary to nature, and could not hope as a result to benefit himself or to endear himself to his brethren.

Only one thing is required of us on this plane and that is that we love first our Father-God and then our neighbours "as ourselves". That may sound easy, but when we come to attempt it, we find that God often seems to be "afar off" and that our fellows frequently try us; but if we would follow in the footsteps of our Exemplar, we have to return evil with good and to send out our love, not only to them that love us but to those who hate us and despitefully use us.

The Path of Truth Vol. 57, No. 5 page 359

Friday, 15 August 2008

Weekly Quote 22

God is our refuge and strength - (Ps 46:1)
The eternal God is my dwelling-place and underneath are the everlasting arms

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God is Universal Spirit to Which we can turn at any time of the day or night; He is not One Who lives in some far-off place. He is within us, above us, around us, and below us, and He is always with us. We have but to turn our thoughts within to contact Him, therefore He is, indeed, a refuge. There is nothing too big or too small for us to take to Him in order that He may guide us. He is the Light in our darkness and our haven in time of peril.

He is also our strength. Do you sometimes feel you are weak and of little account in the world? If so, change your thoughts. You are a child of God and heir to all that He is and has, and His strength is your strength for you are part of him even as he constitutes you.

But let us not use God only as a refuge. Let us share our joy with Him as well as our sorrow. Let us allow Him to enter into all we do that we may be useful in His service.

The Path of Truth Vol. 56, No. 5 page 312.

Friday, 8 August 2008

Weekly Quote 21

May the God of peace equip you with everything good, that you may do His will - (Heb 13:20-21)

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Paul does what we all should do - affirm good in others. More than this, he affirms that we are all engaged in God's work. As we think and feel about it like this, as we consecrate our moments, hours, days and weeks to Him, so do we each unfold our excellence, that which we come into being to do.

When we so honour our calling, all struggle ceases - we can do no better than what God wants us to do, and we cannot envy any who seem to shine brighter than we; rather we admire them and share in their triumphs.

God expresses through us as myriad talents so that his "every word" may be expressed, His idea of the world made complete. We each do our part by taking the special good that we are given and making of it our life's work.

The Path of Truth Vol. 55, No. 6 page 352

Friday, 1 August 2008

Weekly quote 20

In Him we live and move and have our being - (Acts 17:28)

Today's quotation has its origin among ancient Greek philosophers. Is it not compelling that sincere and great thinkers down the ages have come to the same conclusion - that God is not a separate entity, but Oneness in Which all being takes place. The only separation that is possible is in the minds and hearts of man.

"Whither shall I flee from Thy Presence?" declares the Psalmist. There is nowhere to go which is beyond God's law. Even if perversely we close ourselves to Him, eventually we must return. Our Father is the All-in-all: All-power, All-presence, All-knowledge. This is not a prison - it is the absolute assurance that we are safe and loved and precious, regardless of how things may seem.

So do not see God as someone whom you must find, to whom you must go. He is already here and now, within you and all about you. Accept Him. Let your thoughts and feelings enter His refuge where they belong, and discover His great joy.

The Path of Truth Vol. 52, No. 3 page 157.