Friday, 22 August 2008

Weekly Quote 23

Blessed are the peacemakers - (Mt 5:9)
I will do unto others as I would have them do unto me

Somehow the individual is ever more ready to encourage and even to bring about dissension rather than unity among his fellows. Yet, if he stopped to think and realized the essential at-one-ment existing among all God's creation he would see that by so doing he was going contrary to nature, and could not hope as a result to benefit himself or to endear himself to his brethren.

Only one thing is required of us on this plane and that is that we love first our Father-God and then our neighbours "as ourselves". That may sound easy, but when we come to attempt it, we find that God often seems to be "afar off" and that our fellows frequently try us; but if we would follow in the footsteps of our Exemplar, we have to return evil with good and to send out our love, not only to them that love us but to those who hate us and despitefully use us.

The Path of Truth Vol. 57, No. 5 page 359

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