Friday, 16 January 2009

Weekly Quote 44

Now I am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken - (Ps 37:25)
I place my trust in Him Who never fails

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The whole of Psalm 37 is a gem for followers of Truth. It is echoed in many places in the teachings of the Master, repeatedly affirming that negation disappears before Good. Older followers of Truth, particularly, will agree with the Psalmist's reflection that he has not seen the righteous (right thinkers, feelers and doers) forsaken.

Our progress along the path of Truth is better evaluated in retrospect than in the moment. Like a hiker we may pause on a rise and look back upon the difficult terrain we have traversed and draw satisfaction from it. The great value placed upon prediction and planning in today's culture of materialism would misdirect our journey. Spirit (a name of God) is in hand - we simply trust It and use It. In due course we will comprehend the good It has brought us.

If now you are passing through the deep dark valley of despair, take courage from those who declare the fulfilment that has come through their reliance on Him. Say to yourself "I will have what they have."

The Path of Truth Vol. 55, No. 3 page 166.

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