Thursday, 19 February 2009

Weekly Quote 49, with Commentary from the School of Truth

This is the day which the Lord has made - (Ps 118:24)
In my inmost chamber is Timelessness

We think God changes things for us. He changes nothing - it is we who change. The Psalmist declares in jubilation "The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone." Timelessness means that a situation may take on a very different appearance purely by the way we adjust our minds and hearts to it.

So do not wait for "things to change". Instead affirm "You, dear Father, are present now in this place. Your perfect ideas have always and will always be available to me. Nothing has first to happen." As thus you open your being to Him you find your clouds lifting, your limbs flexing, your mind clearing. What seemed utterly impossible is now possible.

In your inmost chamber is no clock. You cannot impose your notions of time and sequence upon All-presence. To try, is to congest and paralyse, not God, but yourself.

The Path of Truth Vol. 53, No. 6 page 355.

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