Friday, 20 March 2009

Weekly Quote 53, with Commentary from the School of Truth

Be ye also patient - (James 5:8)
I will not lose patience, Father, but remain calm under pressure

Patience according to the dictionary means the calm endurance of pain or any provocation; or perseverance. How many of us are patient under provocation? Are we not liable to be irritated when people do annoying things? We dislike to be kept waiting, for instance. We get cross with those who move slowly, and so on.

We should de
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velop poise - learn to control our emotions so that we do not lose our temper when things are not just as we would like them to be. Particularly are we liable to become irritated with those who serve us, which is often most unjust. It confuses them and makes them awkward. Far better to be patient.

There is the impatience of motorists on the road which often spells danger not only for them but for others. There would be far fewer accidents if people were not in such a hurry.
Maybe we become impatient even with God if our prayers are not answered at once; but He is not to be hurried so let us keep our poise.

The Path of Truth Vol. 59, No. 2 page 98.

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