You will know them by their fruits - (Mt 7:16)
I find God in my fellow
I find God in my fellow
The Master's teaching cuts through all religion, even that founded in his name. How does a man or woman live? Are they a light among their fellows? Do they comfort and assure those in difficulty or pain? Do they inspire the fearful and hesitant to greater unfoldment of their potential? Do they turn wrath towards reason? Do they rise above their own constraints?
Too often is the individual judged by the worst of their religion or a religion by the worst of its followers. Rather discount religion altogether in your dealings with your fellows. God is All-presence. Truth would have us seek and find Him in our fellows rather than look for religious labels, weaknesses and failures. Also, as we strive to see our Father in them, we increase our own light.
It is the sincerity of their personal quest, and the humility and tolerance that this has forced upon them, that makes a person radiant to others, not their religious precepts.
The Path of Truth Vol. 50, No. 4 page 222.
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