Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Weekly Bible Quote 76 with commentary by the School of Truth

The practice of Truth is neither blind belief nor retirement into mysticism.. It is thinking, feeling, speaking and acting consciously and constructively. We are lead by ideas. Our intellect and emotions reflect what is of God - we trust them and use them. In our times of quiet communion we surrender to Spirit because we know it is the right thing to do.

Another name of God is Law. This name reflects our certainty of our highest good when we surrender our dilemmas to Him. It is not a hit-and-miss practice but fulfilment of That Which binds the universe, That Which manifests in every particle and pulse of Creation. Scientists may have to accept that the true nature of matter and energy will forever elude them, but this does not stop them from applying what they do know to great effect - and so do we.

So, make God, Spirit, Love, your friend. It is closer to you than hands and feet, closer than breathing. You are Its very expression.

The Path of Truth Vol. 55, No. 3 page 170.

Sunday, 20 September 2009

Weekly Bible Quote 75 with commentary by the School of Truth

Blessed is he who keeps the Law - (Pro 28:18)
Ever more deeply I accept the oneness of Creation

The great leaders and prophets of the Old Testament established laws for good living over the ages. But underlying all such laws in all the civilizations of history is one fundamental Law: You shall love God with all your heart and soul and with all your mind, and you shall love your neighbour as yourself.

This "love" which we pursue with heart and mind is nothing less than acceptance of God's oneness. Whenever we alienate ourselves from any aspect of God's creation we tear ourselves apart and invoke inevitable pain and suffering - we live in a shattered world, a world of separation of things, people, feelings, thoughts. Love is the restoring acceptance that there is only one Creation and we are each the very centre of It. This Oneness contains all that we could ever need or truly desire, for nothing real exists outside of It.

It is this consciousness of Oneness that Truth seeks to bring to us. We practice it in meditation and in the hurly-burly of our daily lives. It is our destiny.

The Path of Truth Vol. 50, No. 2 page 96.

Weekly Bible Quote 74 with commentary by the School of Truth

Blessed is he who keeps the Law - (Pro 28:18)
Ever more deeply I accept the oneness of Creation

The great leaders and prophets of the Old Testament established laws for good living over the ages. But underlying all such laws in all the civilizations of history is one fundamental Law: You shall love God with all your heart and soul and with all your mind, and you shall love your neighbour as yourself.

Monday, 14 September 2009

Weekly Bible Quote 73 with commentary by the School of Truth

Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me - (Ps 50:15)
I trust God now, tomorrow and always

Appearances may become very frightening. They may threaten great suffering and death. Then we remember God's promise "Call upon Me and I will deliver you." All else abandons us. However long we have walked the path of Truth and however far we think we have advanced, the situation has come that forces us to the simple and great law of trust.

Truth is not learning about lots of things, it is learning a very few things very well: God is not separate from me, for Him all things are possible, I trust Him absolutely, therefore I dwell in the state of fearlessness called Love. The Psalmist puts it even more simply: "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want."

Do not wait for adversity to close in on you, forcing you to cry out "Lord, Lord." Start now to cultivate love and trust and a vision of All-in-all. Practise it in your everyday life, in things great and small. Learn to live with God so that you are never in doubt what to do in the day of trouble.

The Path of Truth Vol. 54, No. 1 page 37.

Friday, 4 September 2009

Weekly Bible Quote 72 with commentary by the School of Truth

Be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord - (1 Cor 15:58)
I share my life with a wise Partner

The helter-skelter of today's world allows little time for most to arrange their priorities so that their pursuit of Truth remains the main goal of each day. Many sincere travellers on the Path find themselves on a mid Monday morning, for example, feeling harassed by their day. They attended to their thoughts and feelings thoroughly over the weekend - so they thought - but all came unstuck a few hours into the working week.

Living in Truth demands a steadfast state of mind and heart, habitual surrender to Wisdom in all things. This does not mean living life in slow-motion - not at all. It means living with a Partner Who assists you to act purposefully, to make the right decisions, to control your mood. It does not add to your stress but relieves you of stress. You are not alone. You are protected and comforted.

Remember that everything that you do and say, your whole body language, is testimony to God within you. This is your most powerful call to others to interest themselves in your life's choice.

The Path of Truth Vol. 55, No. 1 page 48.