Friday, 4 September 2009

Weekly Bible Quote 72 with commentary by the School of Truth

Be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord - (1 Cor 15:58)
I share my life with a wise Partner

The helter-skelter of today's world allows little time for most to arrange their priorities so that their pursuit of Truth remains the main goal of each day. Many sincere travellers on the Path find themselves on a mid Monday morning, for example, feeling harassed by their day. They attended to their thoughts and feelings thoroughly over the weekend - so they thought - but all came unstuck a few hours into the working week.

Living in Truth demands a steadfast state of mind and heart, habitual surrender to Wisdom in all things. This does not mean living life in slow-motion - not at all. It means living with a Partner Who assists you to act purposefully, to make the right decisions, to control your mood. It does not add to your stress but relieves you of stress. You are not alone. You are protected and comforted.

Remember that everything that you do and say, your whole body language, is testimony to God within you. This is your most powerful call to others to interest themselves in your life's choice.

The Path of Truth Vol. 55, No. 1 page 48.

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