Sunday, 20 December 2009

Weekly Bible quote 84

Let every soul be in subjection to the higher powers - (Rom 13:1)
God's will is always good will

'Thy will be done' is the finest prayer we can say, yet how many of us say it from the heart? We repeat it in church maybe but do we really mean it? Are we willing to subject the personal will to the divine will?

We should cultivate the things of the Spirit if we want to advance along the pathway which leads to conscious at-one-ment with God - love, faith, truth, goodness, and beauty are the things we should concentrate on. Yet many of us are so busy trying to make money that we must work if we would eat and keep a roof over our heads, but we should also pay attention to those things which have everlasting value and which are the only things we shall be able to take with us when we pass on to the next plane of consciousness.

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