Friday, 25 February 2011

Weekly Bible Quote 141

For He shall give His angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways - (Ps 9:11)
God is my ever-present help and strength the whole day through

There was a picture, often seen in school-rooms and nurseries in days gone by, of a small child walking across a narrow bridge that spanned a deep gorge. The child was walking confidently ahead while overshadowing him was a splendid and most solicitous angel. Children were taught - and believed - that each one had a Guardian Angel sent by God Himself to watch over them.

Angels are not much in favour or in fashion nowadays, but the principle underlying their existence is the same. Whoever and wherever we are, we are surrounded by the Living, Loving Presence Who never leaves our side, day or night. We have but to turn within and become aware of this Presence to realize that we are safe, secure, guided and encouraged.

Older generations drew comfort from imagining radiant winged beings hovering about and affording heavenly protection. We can be thankful for the same loving watchfulness, understanding that in God we live, move, breathe and have our very existence.

The Path of Truth, Sep/Oct 2010, p. 300.

Weekly Bible Quote 140

Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt - (Mt 6:19)

I make use of what I have for my own benefit and that of my fellowmen

How many of us hoard things - things that we never use but which we are afraid to give away in case a time may come when we shall need them? How much better it would be to give them to someone who could make good use of them.

There are people who hoard money and clothes and other possessions instead of using them for their own benefit or for the benefit of those in greater need of them. How many of us, if we looked through our cupboards, would not find things which we do not use ourselves but which we are hoarding in case of a problematical 'rainy day'? How little faith we show in God as our source of supply when we do this.

How much better to enjoy what we have while we can and allow others to share our enjoyment; and to give away what we can spare in a spirit of love.

The Path of Truth Mar/Apr 2009, p. 89.

Saturday, 19 February 2011

Weekly Bible Quote 139

And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold - (John 10:16)
I do not condemn other religions but seek to understand them

There are people who think that they have found the only path which leads to God. How wrong they are. I think that it iwas Dr Harold Taylor who said: "There are as many roads to the attainment of wisdom and goodness as there are people who undertake to walk them. There are so many solid truths on which we can stand, as there are people who can search them out, and who will stand on them. There are as many ideas and ideals as there are men of goodwill who will hold them in their minds, and act upon them in their lives."

As long as love is the basis of a religion, the form of worship is not important, so let us not condemn others because they do not see eye to eye with us. Each of us must find his own way to God, and the form of religion we have is the best suited to our present standard of growth.

It is not for us to act as judges of another. The ultimate aim of each of us should be consciousness of our unity with the Father.

The Path of Truth May/Jun 2009, p. 125

Weekly Bible Quote 138

Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid - (Matt 14:27)
I will not fear, Father, for I know that You are with me

How wonderful it would be not to fear anything! There are few of us who do not fear something -- ill-health, poverty, the unknown, death -- to name just a few of the fears some of us suffer from. And why do we fear? Because we are lacking in faith. We do not realise our unity with Him Who is all-love, all-power, all-knowledge, and ever present.

That is one of the things we are on this plane of consciousness to do -- to learn that we are one with God the Father and all that He has and is. What He is we potentially are, but not all of us can FEEL this is so -- though we may accept it intellectually.

And if we are one with Him, we are one with each other, since we are all His beloved children.

The Path of Truth Nov/Dec 2009, p. 275.

Weekly Bible Quote 137

We know that to them that love God all things work together for good - (Rom 8:28)
I love God and try to do His Will in order that He may be glorified through me

It may be difficult at times to accept this ; text but if we would only realise the fact, there is a lesson to be learned in every experience that comes to us.
Perhaps we are enduring trials and tribulations that we think we do not deserve, but this is not so. Whatever they may be, we have brought them on ourselves by our wrong thoughts and actions at some time. If we had to suffer undeservedly there would be no such thing as divine justice; and if we could not believe in a just God, to what could we cling?
It is when we are experiencing hardships for which we can see no reason, that we are being put to the test. Can we keep the lamp of faith burning brightly under such conditions? We shall, if our trust in God is a reality. After all, it is quite easy to have faith when things are running smoothly, but not so easy when we are suffering from adversity and cannot understand the cause. But love will enable us to continue to trust in God.

The Path of Truth

Weerkly Quote 136

O taste and see that the Lord is good - (Ps 34:8)
My love for and faith in God are steadfast and He cares for me

If our religion is to be anything more than a form we must prove things for ourselves. We must prove that faith works, for example. Others may tell us what it has done for them but if we are to be convinced we must know it is true by putting it to the test. The experiences of others are not necessarily sufficient for us.

How are we to prove that faith works? By behaving as if the knowledge were already ours. By taking it for granted that it works. And this is the way to increase our faith also. We show our trust in man daily, so why do we not have faith in his Creator?

Love, too, can be proved. The more love we give out to our fellowmen, the more will come back to us. We must give if we would receive. The Master said: "Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give unto you. For with the same measure that you give, it shall be given to you."

The Path of Truth Vol. 58, No. 1, p. 33.

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Weekly Quote School of Truth 135

The prayer of faith shall save him - (James 5:15)
I give grateful thanks that God, my Father is always the fulfilment of my need

When we pray, to whom are we offering up our prayer? If to God, what are we hoping to gain thereby? The granting of a boon, the changing of a condition (brought about by us), a healing of some disease?

God's part is already done in all that concerns us. He is the VINE, we are the branches. Would it make sense for certain leaves on an oak to beg the tree to send up sap to nourish them, to induce the sun to shine on them, to incline the rain to wash them free of dust? The sap will rise because it is its nature to do so, the sun cannot withhold the light which streams out of it, and the gentle rain from heaven falls upon the just and the unjust.

In order to attain peace of mind, to still our doubts we do remind ourselves that God governs; that He is our all-sufficing supply, and is expressing Himself - all that He is and has - in and through us. THAT is what we achieve through prayer - a sense of unity with our Maker, the attunement with him that convinces us that all is good and good is ours to use and to enjoy.

The Path of Truth Vol. 57, No. 5, p. 299.

Weekly Quote From School of Truth 134

Your wounds I will heal - (Jer. 30:17)
Trust illuminates every shadow

Such is the nature of man - unless we know darkness we cannot know light, unless we know sorrow we cannot know joy, unless we know pain we cannot know healing. We have been given freedom of choice. It is a realm that our heavenly Father desires that we fulfil on His behalf.

God's presence overcomes all the difficulties we experience on this plane of consciousness we call our world, but we must prove it. We are sent to do His works during the days we spend on earth. So turn from introspection to the world around you in the knowledge that it is a place prepared for you, that wherever you go you shine His light and dispel darkness, that it contains nothing that can harm you while you place your trust in Him.

If now you experience lack or are downcast or ill, do not fight it. Instead, in mind and heart identify yourself with Him in Whom are no shadows. See yourself carrying His light. Then, in trust, depart your dark place. Go forth and claim His healing by living it. This is what God wants you to do.

The Path of Truth Vol. 55, No. 6, p. 350.