Saturday, 19 February 2011

Weekly Bible Quote 137

We know that to them that love God all things work together for good - (Rom 8:28)
I love God and try to do His Will in order that He may be glorified through me

It may be difficult at times to accept this ; text but if we would only realise the fact, there is a lesson to be learned in every experience that comes to us.
Perhaps we are enduring trials and tribulations that we think we do not deserve, but this is not so. Whatever they may be, we have brought them on ourselves by our wrong thoughts and actions at some time. If we had to suffer undeservedly there would be no such thing as divine justice; and if we could not believe in a just God, to what could we cling?
It is when we are experiencing hardships for which we can see no reason, that we are being put to the test. Can we keep the lamp of faith burning brightly under such conditions? We shall, if our trust in God is a reality. After all, it is quite easy to have faith when things are running smoothly, but not so easy when we are suffering from adversity and cannot understand the cause. But love will enable us to continue to trust in God.

The Path of Truth

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