Friday, 10 September 2010

Weekly Bible Quote 116, School of Truth, read by Andre

Wise men store up knowledge - (Prov 10:14)
I trust God to reveal the solution

When human judgement fails, as sooner or later it will, and our plans don't turn out the way that we hoped, our first reaction may be stubbornly to try to work out "what went wrong?" or "who is to blame?" and thereby to convince ourselves that our correct choices unjustly received the wrong results.

But this is the time to let go of the little "wisdom of men". In your quiet communion forgive yourself for trying to proceed without Spirit. Forgive yourself for thinking that someone or something could stop Divine destiny from unfolding for you. Good always works on your behalf if you are willing to let It. All-knowing always reveals to you how to get back on track.

These experiences accumulate in you as true Wisdom. As your path of Truth unwinds through the hills and valleys of life, it leaves you a more adept traveller, a better steward of God.

The Path of Truth Vol. 56 No. 3, p. 160.

Monday, 6 September 2010

Weekly Bible Quote 115, School of Truth, read by Andre

Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning - (Ps 30:5)
With God's help I rise above sorrow

We all encounter sorrow at some time during our journey through life.

It may have been considered right at one time, when a dear one passed on to another plane of consciousness, to shut oneself away from the world and be overwhelmed with grief. But surely today we should know better than that? Life must go on, and the sooner we return to our work and our daily occupations the better. In this way we help God to help us. It does not do us any good to sit and brood on our loss - it but increases our misery.

Then let us return to normal living as soon as possible. We shall miss the physical presence of the one who has gone, but let us not look on what we call death as a closed door, but as an open gateway to a life of greater achievement. Let us think of the good of the dear one, not of ourselves.

The Path of Truth ; Vol. 58 No. 1, p. 38.

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Weekly Bible Quote 114, School of Truth, read by Andre

Do not I fill heaven and earth? Saith the Lord - (Jer. 23:24) Divine love is with me and goes before me. I give grateful thanks. It is written that "the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth His handiwork," and we who tread the rich earth beneath the blue sky above us apparently know nothing of these truths, for if we did how could we believe in two powers - the one forever seeking to dim the glory of the other? God created the Universe and our small world is part of It. It is spread before us, a wonderful panorama, but we are blind to its fairness, doubtful of its abundance, of its winding ways because we do not KNOW that GOD IS EVER WITH US; that He is the Beauty that should uplift our hearts and delight our eyes; that He is the teeming harvest of land and sea; that as we go forward on our journey through this plane of experience to which - in love - He has brought us, his Presence shall protect us, his arm support us as He goes before us lighting our path and leading us to the Kingdom of our good awaiting us at its end. The Path of Truth Vol. 57 No. 5, p. 289.

Weekly Bible Quote 113, School of Truth, read by Andre

Love does no wrong to a neighbor - (Rom 13:10)
Love takes me unfailingly to my highest good
Love, by definition, cannot work against itself. It is a Force forwards, not erosion. We must remember this when we experience an impulse to lash out, to "score a point" against someone who seems to have hurt us or tried to hurt us. When we succumb to such reactions we simply paralyze ourselves, render ourselves unable to continue on our path.
"What is that to you? Follow Me" says the Divine presence within you. Set your vision on the Light ahead of you and let shadows fall behind you. True loving is not sentimental - it is declaration in word and deed that you are ruled by one Power, the only Power in the universe.
Love is not your private champion. Love is the all-powerful Referee Who resolves all apparent conflicts of interest. Know this, that in Love, regardless of all appearances, is your highest good and the perfect outcome.
The Path of Truth Vol. 53 No. 6 p. 363.

Weekdly Bible Quote 112, School of Truth, read by Andre

Rekindle the gift of God within you - (2 Tim 1:6) I keep going on my path of Truth Omnipresence, by definition, never takes away. His gift permeates us from the beginning, but we may go through periods of our lives when we are forgetful of this treasure. Later, we may feel we have lost what we once had and that we must start afresh to regain it. This is not so. As by blowing gently on hot coals we find the fire of God's love ready in an instant to warm us and light our darkened room. So do not feel ashamed if you have wandered from the path of Truth and now wish to resume. Great is the joy in Omnipresence. Progress in nature can be deceiving. Emerson remarks on periods of apparent lapse: "In times when we thought ourselves indolent, we have afterwards discovered that much was accomplished and much was begun in us." Time is a huge mystery. It may even be just an idea necessary to this plane of consciousness. Do not worry about it but keep going on your path, for on it alone is fulfilment. The Path of Truth Vol. 54 No. 6 p. 354.

Weekly Bible Quote 111, School of Truth, read by Andre

As many as touched it were made well - (Mt 14:36) I open my world ever more to God Mankind struggles to look after itself - it is right that it should. We take from here to put into there, we patch holes, we mend tears, we plan and we work and we wage wars, great and small. But true wellness is a state of completion, of perfection. Before we were partial or broken, now we are whole - not mended, not topped-up from elsewhere. Understand the Christ of the Bible as Wholeness, as God's perfect idea of you and me. There is nothing we need from elsewhere. There is no "elsewhere".. All worldly struggle to put things right is temporary, a borrowing, an action in time that instantly invokes reaction, while the garment of Wholeness beckons us timelessly: "Touch Me, put Me on, that you may be My perfect child." Your world is not opposed to God, but is of God. Open your world ever more to Him that it may be made well. Touch God within you today, let Him in, and be whole. The Path of Truth Vol. 52 No. 5 p. 290.

Weekly Quote 110, School of Truth, read by Andre

Be doers of the word, and not hearers only - (Js 1:22) I make my life a living prayer One type of dualism holds that heaven and earth are separate realms. But God is Oneness. He cannot be divided along any lines. For us His kingdom includes spirit, mind, feelings, body and affairs. The Master's affirmation "Thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven" means that we express God in All aspects of our being. Yes, we need to release God from our spiritual core into our minds and hearts. But our purpose is not complete until we release Him too into our physical bodies and material affairs. The tree is known by its fruits - of which others may partake. Our inner life is revealed to others by our visible appearance and the things we say and do. We share ourselves physically and materially with others. Contemplation of God can become a trap which prevents your fulfilment. Make of your life a living prayer, which demonstrates here and now - in this time and in this world. The Path of Truth Vol. 52 No. 6 p. 365.

Weekly Bible Quote 109, School of Truth, read by Andre

You will decide on a matter, and it will be established for you, and light will shine on your ways - (Job 22:28) Quietly, I place my trust in God If you "decide" to place your highest good in God's hands you have advanced far on your path of Truth. Decision replaces the anxiety that separates you from true Self, and opens up the way ahead. Faith, trust, serving one master - this is the great watershed of everyone's life. It is better that you come to it gradually and thoughtfully. It is better that you reach it through the filter of God-given scepticism, for then the decision endures, is strong enough to survive your inevitable stumbling and lapses of courage. A state of mind that relies on high religious emotion or contrived consciousness is not the Master's "rock". Say quietly to yourself "I step back from oppressive appearances and place my trust in God. He fills my life with light." The Path of Truth Vol. 54 No. 3 p. 168.

Weekly Bible Quote 108, School of Truth, read by Andre

If your eye is sound, your whole body will be full of light - (Mt 6:22) Steadfastly I direct my expectation towards Him As the eye is to the body, so understanding is to our whole life. When we perceive ourselves as inadequate and our world as hostile and dangerous, it is like locking ourselves in a dark room, but when we perceive ourselves as God's beloved children and our world as His world, we find ourselves surrounded by light, space and opportunity. With God all things are possible, but we must direct our expectations towards Him. How easily we all slip into negation, into irritability and aggression. It happens so fast sometimes that it shocks us and we ask ourselves "Was that me?" But we are given almost infinite opportunity to return to the path, again to put all our hope in Him, and to step forth as His representatives. That we are aware of our lapses and regret them are very good signs for us. The practice of Truth is steadfastly to claim our Sonship. It may be easier at some times than others but because of our persistence, our "importunity" as the Master puts it, He opens the doors one after another that take us further into His kingdom. The Path of Truth Vol. 55 No. 3 p. 172.

Weekly Bible Quote 107, School of Truth, read by Andre

He loves righteousness and justice - (Ps 33:5) I give that which I would receive Great minds over the ages have toiled with the concept of goodness. Is it just the absence of pain and suffering? Is it just a social convention? Is there some real, essential quality in the universe which is goodness? The intellect alone cannot provide the answer. Within each of us is a bell which resonates to the vibrations of goodness. When we experience it we know it to be real and we know it is good. We are the microcosm of God, His children. Just as a child rejoices at the return of a parent to the house, so do we rejoice in the Presence of our heavenly Father - in our minds, hearts, bodies and affairs. God's goodness is released through unbreakable Law. It is the Law of "like attracts like". We make of ourselves new wineskins for new wine. We open our hearts in love for Love. With trust we reach out. We give and it is given to us. We forgive and we are forgiven. We open our lungs and breathe of His life and health. Truth may be hard to practice but it is not complicated. With deep commitment we turn to basics. The Path of Truth Vol. 50 No. 2 p. 103.

Weekly Quote 106, School of Truth, read by Andre

Do not judge by appearances but judge with right judgement - (Jn 7:24) I see my world through eyes made sound in God Our exploration of the condition we call our "world" is characterised by us not believing everything we see, or what others are telling us to see. Always Truth transcends the obvious. Scientists proceed with theory, and instruments, and indirect measurements, and mathematics. The humanities explore conscience, and imagination, and the unconscious. The Truth seeker goes forward in faith. In spite of all appearances, we hope. We do not simply accept the "facts" because Truth is greater than facts. We judge "right" judgement. We see our world through God's eyes, which are our eyes made sound through trust in Him. We hold that the world is God's kingdom in which all our needs and true desires are already fulfilled, even if it does not seem so. So, when you are confonted by oppressive and frightening circumstances, say "God in me is greater than these. I do not resist them but trust absolutely in His presence to overcome them." The Path of Truth Vol. 54 No. 1 p. 46.

Weekly Bible Quote, School of Truth, read by Andre

Always and for everything giving thanks in the name of our Lord Jesus-Christ to God the Father - (Eph 5:20)
Gratitude and joy seal God's purpose in me

In times of difficulty - as we all experience - God's presence, the "Christ"-presence, may seem far away. Yet the Father never leaves you. He longs to help His child who is in trouble, but you must acknowledge Him, and there is no more direct way of doing it than simply to feel gratitude. Nothing in your predicament may seem to justify thanks, still you feel it.

"Dear Father, in this deep, dark valley I feel alone, yet Your presence abides in me and I thank You for it. Your hand reaching out and I grasp it. All is well. I am filled with joy."

Without darkness we should never know light. Every over-coming fulfils God's purpose in us. Every time we remain firm, insisting that God abides in us regardless of circumstances, we grow in stature as His children. Our gratitude and joy is His gratitude and joy, the surest possible sign that we fulfil our - and His - purpose.

The Path of Truth Vol. 53 No. 5 p. 295.

Monday, 30 August 2010

Weekly Bible quote 104, Schooll of Truth, read by andre

Always and for everything giving thanks in the name of our Lord Jesus-Christ to God the Father - ( Eph 5:20)
Gratitude and joy seal God's purpose in me

In times of difficulty - as we all experience - God's presence, the "Christ"-presence, may seem far away. Yet the Father never leaves you. He longs to help His child who is in trouble, but you must acknowledge Him, and there is no more direct way of doing it than simply to feel gratitude. Nothing in your predicament may seem to justify thanks, still you feel it.

"Dear Father, in this deep, dark valley I feel alone, yet Your presence abides in me and I thank You for it. Your hand reaching out and I grasp it. All is well. I am filled with joy."

Without darkness we should never know light. Every over-coming fulfils God's purpose in us. Every time we remain firm, insisting that God abides in us regardless of circumstances, we grow in stature as His children. Our gratitude and joy is His gratitude and joy, the surest possible sign that we fulfil our - and His - purpose.

The Path of Truth Vol. 53 No. 5 p. 295.

Weekly Bible Quote 103, School of Truth, read by Andre

Behold, God is my helper; The Lord is the upholder of my life - (Ps 54:4)
I allow God passage through my mind and heart

Although the Psalmist seems to recruit God against others, his sentiment remains valid. Persons who seem set against us in life are no different from impersonal difficulties, like sickness, poverty and unhappiness. In each case we turn from these apparitions and behold the One in Whom is all life and all good.

"What is that to you?" asks the Master as universal Son, "Follow me." Learn always to look past your protagonists, be they people or situations, to the Solution that beckons: "My peace I give to you."

Followers of Truth are peacemakers, not because it makes them "good" but because it opens their world to Love. Love is always there but is held at bay by hardened and vindictive minds and hearts. Love, God, expresses through us, and it is our task to let Him through.

The Path of Truth Vol. 55 No. 5 p. 305.

Saturday, 17 April 2010

Weekly Bible quote 102 from the School of Truth, read by andre

In Thy presence is fullness of joy - (Ps 16:11)
In the midst of joy is my Father

In all sincere religion God is associated with joy. Joy is loftier, more long-term, than pleasure. It dwells in the background of our feeling as the contentment which encourages us through life's difficulties and delays. And from time to time it bursts forth - as when we are suddenly overwhelmed by beauty, by a sunset, a landscape, an exquisite sea shell or a flower, a passage of music, the chortle of a child, the success of an endeavour.

Joy is the resonance in us of the eternal Soul. In Grace we ourselves may initiate it. When our Father seems to have grown distant, when life's troubles grind within us, when darkness looms ahead, we ourselves may strike the bell that sets the glorious vibrations of joy ringing in us. Joy comes before pleasure. It is attunement to God. It is independent of all worldly conditions. So in your darkest hour invoke joy, and thereby open your channels to the infinite Resource Which is your Father.

The Path of Truth Vol. 50 No. 3, p. 182.

Weekly Bible quote 101 from the School of Truth, read by andre

Seek, and ye shall find - (Matt 7:7)
I seek always to express greater love, wisdom, and understanding

Whether we are seeking spiritual Peace, mental achievements, emotional happiness, physical health, or material possessions, if we keep our eye fixed on our objective, and persist in our efforts, we shall get what we have set out to attain. The pity is that we so often go after the wrong things.

There is nothing this world has to offer that an all-loving Creator would either deny us or withhold from us, but just as a wise mother would not feed her child chiefly on cake, so does an omniscient Father not wish us to pursue the baubles of life before we have found the Substance of that which is good. "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness," said the Master, "and all these things shall be added unto you."

To "seek" God is to attune ourselves to Him, and as He is LOVE we can do this only by filling our minds and emotions with this quality and by giving of it, first to Him (from Whom It derives) and after Him to all our fellows.

The Path of Truth Vol. 57 No. 5, p. 351.

Weekly Bible quote 100 from the School of Truth, read by andre

This is the day which Jehovah hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it - (Ps 118:24)
I am grateful to God for making this day a day of achievement

Let us so live today that when we consider what we have done when night comes on, it will give us pleasure, and a sense of fulfillment. Let us make use of all the opportunities which present themselves for doing good to others, that at the end of the day we may have earned the Father's "Well done."

If you have not made a habit of doing so, let us start today to think of what we can give to the world, rather than of what we can get out of it. And let us do so tomorrow and on all the tomorrows. As we give, so do we receive, and while we should not give with the thought of any return we know that our reward is sure.

Let us live each hour richly and fully, putting the best into our work, and enjoying our hours of relaxation, that we may not waste our lives.

The Path of Truth Vol. 56 No. 5, p. 293

Weekly Bible quote 99 from the School of Truth, read by andre

All things work together for good - (Rom 8:28)

Because I know that God not only created our world, but maintains and governs it as well,
I have no fears for the present or the future

Imagine a watch in which the wheels did not turn for the good of the whole; one in which some moved too quickly, others too slowly, in fits and starts and with occasional stoppages. That watch would be a calamity, a disgrace to its maker and quite useless to its owner.

If our little earth were anything like that it would be totally unfit for us to live on, but fortunately its Creator is Omniscience, incapable of making any mistakes at all. For this you and I should be immensely grateful. We dwell in a world of the wondrous in which there is the wherewithal to meet all our needs and to fulfill all our desires.

Why then do so many lack the good things they must have for happy and successful living? Only because they and frequently we, too, do not know or believe the TRUTH, which is that "God saw what He had made and behold! it was very good."

The Path of Truth Vol. 58, No. 1 page 16.

Weekly Bible quote 97 from the School of Truth, read by andre

Thou hast put gladness in my heart - (Ps 4:7)
I put my whole trust in the love of God and all things work together for my good

How many average individuals believe in the above text, acknowledge it, and give thanks for it?
On the whole man is inclined to feel rather hard done by; he has so much to contend with, there is so little fun in his day-to-day existence and there is always the unremitting struggle to make both ends meet. All things considered this realm is more a "vale of tears" than a merry-go-round! Nevertheless it is written "In thy Presence is fullness of Joy." And since God is Omnipresence, He must be with each one of us and each of us must always be with Him, maintained and sustained by Him, ever in His loving care.

What we have to do is stop looking at the negative appearances that surround us, raising instead our eyes unto the hills and know whence cometh our help - know that it comes from God, as we go forward rejoicing. Then all our ways will become ways of pleasantness and we shall have nothing to long for and nothing whatever to fear.

The Path of Truth Jul/Aug 2009, p. 176.

Weekly Bible quote 96 from the School of Truth, read by andre

Stand still, and see the salvation of Jehovah, which He will work for you today - (Ex 14:13)
I put my trust in God, and all is well

When you are troubled, and you do not know which way to turn, think of today's text. Know that the spirit of Christ within you is stronger than any conditions and go to Him for help. Then be still and know that He is God. Put your trust in Him and wait patiently for His will to be done in your life. Recognise the Power that is in you. Realise that His will is always goodwill, and try not to worry.

When we worry we are liable to block up the channel through which His help flows to us. We must keep it clear of all doubts and fears. The greater our need the greater is His opportunity to help us.

But do not think that to stand still means that you have nothing to do. If you want work you must look for it, for most of us have to work if we would eat. But if you have done everything possible, leave yourself entirely in God's hands in faith knowing that He wants only what is for your greatest good.

The Path of Truth, May/Jun 2009, p. 118.

Weekly Bible quote 95 from the School of Truth, read by andre

Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for him - (Ps 37:7)
I acknowledge the Presence and Power of God active in my every experience

We may be experiencing some crisis in our lives which we ourselves can do nothing about. The only thing is to put our trust in God. And it is when we most need to have faith that we often find it so difficult. It is easy enough when things are running smoothly for us but not so easy when things go wrong. That is the test. When all looks black, that is when we prove whether we trust in God or not.

To acquire more faith let us make use of what we have, however little it may appear to be. Fear shows lack of faith so we should try to conquer some fear as often as possible, starting with the little ones and gradually moving on to the bigger ones.

Patience, too, we must cultivate. It is not easy to relax and wait quietly for God's will to be made manifest if it is not done at once and the matter is urgent. But that is what we must do.

The Path of Truth Nov/Dec 2009, p. 288.

Weekly Bible quote 94 from the School of Truth, read by andre

Always and for everything giving thanks in the name of our Lord Jesus-

Christ to God the Father - (Eph 5:20)
Simply and sincerely I accept God in my life

In living the God-fulfilled life we cannot bind Him to our experience of time, of one thing happening after another. We must, in mind and heart, leap to fulfilment and to gratitude that "it is done". Only by taking God so for granted do we open ourselves to Him and to his resolution of all that stirs within us.

The "Lord Jesus-Christ" is the Father's presence in each and every one of us and in all Creation, whether or not we call It by that name. Were God not present in our world it would not exist, for there is nothing outside of His oneness. So, says Paul, let us start with what we know and are sure of - our very lives and all that sustains us - and give thanks for it, knowing it is inherently perfect.

Start this day in peace and in thankfulness, accepting the completeness of God. There is no higher prayer.

The Path of Truth Vol. 55 No. 2, p. 91.

Weekly Bible quote 98 from the School of Truth, read by andre

And other sheep I have which are not of this fold - (John 10:16)
I am tolerant towards the spiritual beliefs of my fellowmen

What crimes have been perpetrated in the name of religion! In the past men sought to impose their particular form of worship on their fellows with disasterous results. And even today there is not enough tolerance for the other man's creed, yet we cannot all expect to think alike. I may have been brought up to worship in one church and you in another. Some attend no church and yet are good people. Fortunate are those who have been brought up to accept the principles of Truth.

To you, God may seem nearest in a quiet garden, while He may seem closest to me in some great cathedral. As long as we feel our unity with Him what does it matter where we worship or what creed we follow? Why should you condemn me, or I you?

We must learn tolerance. Each of us has the form of religion necessary for his standard of spiritual growth.

The Path of Truth Sep/Oct 2009 page 228.

Sunday, 28 March 2010

Weekly Bible quote 93 from the School of Truth, read by andre

Thou hast given him dominion over the works of thy hands - (Ps 8:6)
I incorporate God's abundance in my life

Wrongly, religion has been associated with "miracle", with God intervening from on high in the happenings of the world. But God is in His world and in us. He invites us to demonstrate His presence everywhere. We are the light of the world, the salt of the earth.

God's resources are established, are here and now. Humanity persists in asking instead of accepting, using and giving: "Son, you are always with Me, and all that is Mine is yours." Infinite abundance in all things lies about us but we are afraid to reach out and incorporate it into our lives. We are afraid to reach out and turn on the switch that releases light into our darkened room.

The path of Truth is a way towards courage and trust and love. It takes us into pastures where there is no fear, where we may freely pluck the fruits of good trees, where we may freely give of ourselves because Substance cannot be depleted. Uncurl your fingers into the gesture of giving and receiving.

The Path of Truth ol. 54 No. 4, p. 237.

Sunday, 31 January 2010

Weekly Bible quote 92 from the School of Truth, read by andre

All things work together for good - (Rom 8:28)
Because I know that God not only created our world, but maintains and governs it as well, I have no fears for the present or the future

Imagine a watch in which the wheels did not turn for the good of the whole; one in which some moved too quickly, others too slowly, in fits and starts and with occasional stoppages. That watch would be a calamity, a disgrace to its maker and quite useless to its owner.

If our little earth were anything like that it would be totally unfit for us to live on, but fortunately its Creator is Omniscience, incapable of making any mistakes at all. For this you and I should be immensely grateful. We dwell in a world of the wondrous in which there is the wherewithal to meet all our needs and to fulfil all our desires.

Why then do so many lack the good things they must have for happy and successful living? Only because they and frequently we, too, do not know or believe the TRUTH, which is that "God saw what He had made and behold! it was very good."

The Path of Truth Vol. 58, No. 1 page 16.

Saturday, 23 January 2010

Weekly Bible quote 91 from the School of Truth, read by andre

If ye abide in my word, then are ye truly my disciples - (John 8:31)
Only as I practise love, can harmony be fulfilled through me

Many people claim to be followers of the Christ who do not practise His teachings. The world would not be in the state it is today if the nations were governed by love; races would not be at loggerheads if their contacts were based on love; there would not be the numbers of divorces we read of daily if marriage were founded upon love.

The Christ preached nothing else but love. We have been told that we owe no man anything but love, that love is the fulfilment of the Law; that we should love our enemies and our neighbours as ourselves. There was no aspect of living that He did not relate to love, but do we abide in His word or do we give Him lip-service only and go our ways criticising, envying, denigrating, and calling ourselves followers of the Christ?

We should have a care, God is not mocked, and they who err against the Law of Love shall bring upon themselves the reaping of their own sowing.

The Path of Truth Vol. 57, No. 6 page 354.

Weekly Bible quote 90 from the School of Truth, read by andre

He will gather the lambs in His arms, He will carry them in His bosom - (Isa 40:11)
My Father understands and protects me

Philosophers often look for God in the ice-cold atmosphere of intellect, some spiritual disciplines look for Him in the heat of ecstasy, others in the silence of meditation - it is their choice. But spirit, mind and heart are equally the domain of our Father. There are times when we need the steadying effect of detachment, but there are also times when we need deeply to feel His warmth about us and in us. Then it is wonderful to know He is there, comforting and protecting us. We are His lambs, His children, and He loves us more than any earthly parent.

Our journey in Truth should not make us too prescriptive or hard on ourselves. Our moods, our ups and downs, do not exclude Him. In whatever state we turn to Him, He is there. Our task is simply to accept him. Truth teaches accepting God equally in Spirit, heart and mind, but the focus of our need changes from time to time, and Omnipresence ever accommodates us.

The Path of Truth Vol. 50, No. 4 page 233

Weekly Bible quote 89 from the School of Truth, read by andre

Do not weep, for she is not dead but sleeping - (Lk 8:52)
I put God's idea above appearances

Ever since we each were born we have been subjected to the preachings of the religion of experience, of falsely claimed "reality", of inevitable outcomes. In the religion of experience reality exists regardless of how we may see it and we can do nothing to change it. Very few truly believe that "the eye is the lamp of the body", that our view of our world may change it.

Regardless of the gravity of what may appear before us, we have the right and the ability to hold our own view of it. As in the story in Luke, others may laugh at us, call us mad, but we hold fast to our knowledge that underlying all life's appearances is God's perfect idea, in which is no fear and no disaster.

You cannot settle this matter through debate, by logic, by weight of evidence. It can be settled only through personal discovery, by placing all your trust in Love, regardless of appearances. And it is not settled overnight - it requires sustained commitment. This is the path of Truth, the journey back to our Father, Who awaits us with great joy.

The Path of Truth Vol. 50, No. 5 page 292.

Weekly Bible quote 88 from the School of Truth, read by andre

As a heart longs for flowing streams, so longs my soul for Thee - (Ps 42:1)
I cast myself into the eternal arms of Spirit

"The water that I give will become in you a spring welling up to life unconstrained by the conditions and circumstances of the world" says the Christ-presence in you. And who of us, gazing into the clear, fresh water of a running stream, can fail to resonate with the Master's imagery?

We long to reconnect with the Source of our being, to be refreshed from our fatigue, from fruitless involvements and endeavour. We recognise that it is not so much outwardly but inwardly that we have become lost. Deeply within us is an urging to be cleansed, again to experience the wholeness we truly know is ours.

As you would plunge into the relief of the burbling stream, cast yourself now into the eternal arms of Spirit, knowing that in It is the fulfilment of your every need and true desire, the guidance you require, and joy and peace for your aching heart.

The Path of Truth Vol. 55, No. 6 page 351.