Saturday, 17 April 2010

Weekly Bible quote 97 from the School of Truth, read by andre

Thou hast put gladness in my heart - (Ps 4:7)
I put my whole trust in the love of God and all things work together for my good

How many average individuals believe in the above text, acknowledge it, and give thanks for it?
On the whole man is inclined to feel rather hard done by; he has so much to contend with, there is so little fun in his day-to-day existence and there is always the unremitting struggle to make both ends meet. All things considered this realm is more a "vale of tears" than a merry-go-round! Nevertheless it is written "In thy Presence is fullness of Joy." And since God is Omnipresence, He must be with each one of us and each of us must always be with Him, maintained and sustained by Him, ever in His loving care.

What we have to do is stop looking at the negative appearances that surround us, raising instead our eyes unto the hills and know whence cometh our help - know that it comes from God, as we go forward rejoicing. Then all our ways will become ways of pleasantness and we shall have nothing to long for and nothing whatever to fear.

The Path of Truth Jul/Aug 2009, p. 176.

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