Saturday, 17 April 2010

Weekly Bible quote 99 from the School of Truth, read by andre

All things work together for good - (Rom 8:28)

Because I know that God not only created our world, but maintains and governs it as well,
I have no fears for the present or the future

Imagine a watch in which the wheels did not turn for the good of the whole; one in which some moved too quickly, others too slowly, in fits and starts and with occasional stoppages. That watch would be a calamity, a disgrace to its maker and quite useless to its owner.

If our little earth were anything like that it would be totally unfit for us to live on, but fortunately its Creator is Omniscience, incapable of making any mistakes at all. For this you and I should be immensely grateful. We dwell in a world of the wondrous in which there is the wherewithal to meet all our needs and to fulfill all our desires.

Why then do so many lack the good things they must have for happy and successful living? Only because they and frequently we, too, do not know or believe the TRUTH, which is that "God saw what He had made and behold! it was very good."

The Path of Truth Vol. 58, No. 1 page 16.

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