Sunday 12 April 2009

Weekly Quote 56, with Commentary from the School of Truth

I can do all things in Him Who strengthens me - (Phil 4:13)
I do it with and for God

Do you face a situation that you wish you could simply avoid? Maybe it is a duty involving traumatised relationships. Maybe it is a task that daunts you so much that already you feel exhausted and would rather sleep. Maybe it is something that fills you with fear.

Know this - life never presents you anything which, with God's help, you cannot resolve. Claim time for brief communion with Him. Let your prayer be along these lines: "Father, I do not have the knowledge or strength to climb this mountain so I let You be my mind, heart and body. I know that You wish me to do this thing on Your behalf and that Your direction and strength in me is sufficient. Thank you."

Then go forth almost as an observer of your own activity, assured that you fulfil God's purpose and that it takes you towards your highest good.

The Path of Truth Vol. 55, No. 6 page 353.

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