Wednesday 17 June 2009

Weekly Quote 63 - with commentary from the School of Truth

Giving thanks always for all things - (Eph 5:20)
With spiritual vision I acknowledge only the Omnipresence of God

In God's Omnipresence there is no such thing as evil, there is only that which - to human awareness - holds out an appearance of evil, while hidden within it is THE GOOD THAT IS GOD.
We shall, in all probability, not be able to see this with our physical eyes but if our Spiritual Vision has been awakened we shall surely perceive that which IS in the place of that which is not.
God fills all space, is all Cause and Effect, so whatever comes into our lives derives from Him; there is no other source. On this plane of experience practically all of us see through a glass darkly, but we can - if we have the requisite faith - lift up our gaze to the hills and behold the truth through the inner Eyes of Love. Because God IS Love, we must take it on trust that all is well in this His visible world.

The Path of Truth Vol. 56, No. 5 page 285.

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