Wednesday 1 September 2010

Weekly Bible Quote 107, School of Truth, read by Andre

He loves righteousness and justice - (Ps 33:5) I give that which I would receive Great minds over the ages have toiled with the concept of goodness. Is it just the absence of pain and suffering? Is it just a social convention? Is there some real, essential quality in the universe which is goodness? The intellect alone cannot provide the answer. Within each of us is a bell which resonates to the vibrations of goodness. When we experience it we know it to be real and we know it is good. We are the microcosm of God, His children. Just as a child rejoices at the return of a parent to the house, so do we rejoice in the Presence of our heavenly Father - in our minds, hearts, bodies and affairs. God's goodness is released through unbreakable Law. It is the Law of "like attracts like". We make of ourselves new wineskins for new wine. We open our hearts in love for Love. With trust we reach out. We give and it is given to us. We forgive and we are forgiven. We open our lungs and breathe of His life and health. Truth may be hard to practice but it is not complicated. With deep commitment we turn to basics. The Path of Truth Vol. 50 No. 2 p. 103.

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