Sunday 2 January 2011

Weekly Bible Quote 122, School of Truth, read by Andre

Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all these things shall
be added unto you - (Matt. 6:33)
Thank you for having provided all things to me, Father, and help me
to deserve your goodness

The Christ, in these words, told people that they should put first things first - the things of the Spirit before the things of the flesh. If they would do that their material needs would be supplied.

There is nothing lacking in God's kingdom, and it is ours to claim whenever we live according to His laws. And the greatest of all laws is that of love; for if we obey the law of love in every detail of our daily lives we can not violate any of the other laws. To live according to the laws is to know true joy.

We all want the good things of life, but we must deserve them by putting the ideals of goodness, truth, and beauty before all else. These should be of more importance in our lives than the things of the flesh - more important than trying to amass great riches, or becoming famous in the eyes of the world, or holding some high position in life. We must put God first.

The Path of Truth ; May/Jun 2009, p. 124.

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