Sunday 2 January 2011

Weekly Bible Quote 126, School of Truth, read by Andre

Who is he that will harm you? - (Peter 3:13)
I know that God goes with me along the Path of Truth and I have nothing to fear

You will certainly in the course of your lifetime here on earth meet someone or something that will try to harm you, but Omnipotence which knows no negation is ever with you.

You do not need to protect yourself from, or to take issue with, any form of evil for there is no God- and something else, no Presence in the entire world but His which upholds and blesses all of His creation.

Who is it that watches over the lemming on the snow, that marks the fall of each weary sparrow, and guides, protects and companions every man alive? It is your Heavenly Father, who is nearer to you than hands and feet, closer than your very breath. He is your Rock and your Refuge and there is no one who can deny Him or oppose His Will of All-good, which is ever active for every single entity that He has made.

Believe, accept and KNOW that He is an ever-present help, then live in this awareness each day.

The Path of Truth Sep/Oct 2009, p. 229.

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